When I stumbled upon this recipe on King Arthur’s website I knew I had to make it. (As a side note, I love using King Arthur flour in my baking, and their site has some great recipes!) The salty-sweet combo of the pretzels and chocolate are enough to win me over, but then add in peanut butter? I’m in heaven. And to top it all off, it is so easy! Plus you can make it on a whim because you don’t need to have room temperature ingredients. I knew this would be the perfect recipe to make for my friend’s St. Patrick’s day party.

The Starting Lineup

Making pretzel crumbs

There is nothing better than chocolate and peanut butter.

Cut into small bites

They’re as delicious as they look
THIS IS THE TRIFECTA. There is nothing in the world more perfect than pretzels, chocolate, and peanut butter all in your mouth at the same time.
Am I stealing this recipe? That would be absurd.
The Trifecta – love it! You absolutely should make these 🙂
OMG i cannot wait to make these! all my fav ingredients!!!